New Study Suggests CBD Will Increase Your High

cbd increases high

We’ve all been there: you’ve had one too many puffs, and suddenly things are feeling a bit too intense. The go-to advice? Take some CBD to mellow things out, right? Well, not so fast. According to a new study, that trusty bottle of CBD might not be the superhero we thought it was. In fact, it turns out CBD might actually increase the psychoactive effects of THC.

Wait, what?

The Old Theory: CBD as THC’s Chill Sidekick

For the longest time, CBD has been hailed as the Robin to THC’s Batman! The trusty sidekick that keeps things from getting too wild. Feeling anxious or paranoid after too much THC? CBD to the rescue! The theory, first floated by cannabis researcher Dr. Ethan Russo back in 2006, was that CBD could help take the edge off the high by blocking some of THC’s effects. Sounds nice and simple, right?

Well, that was then. Now, new research published in Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics is flipping the script. Instead of calming things down, CBD in large doses might actually amp up the psychoactive effects of THC. Yeah, this changes things a bit.

What’s the Deal with This Study?

Here’s what went down. Researchers wanted to see if adding CBD to THC would reduce its psychoactive effects while still boosting its pain-relieving benefits. Makes sense, right? A lot of people use cannabis for pain relief, but not everyone wants to feel super stoned while trying to function.

So, they rounded up 37 healthy adults who’d used cannabis before but weren’t regular users. Each participant took oral doses of 9 mg of THC with varying levels of CBD. Anywhere from a small 10 mg dose to a whopping 450 mg. Then the researchers ran them through a series of tests to measure everything from mood and alertness to coordination and just how high they were feeling.

The big surprise? Those higher doses of CBD didn’t chill things out. In fact, 450 mg of CBD seemed to enhance the THC high. Instead of mellowing out, participants reported feeling even more buzzed.

Does This Mean CBD Can Increase Your High?

Well, kinda. The study found that really large doses of CBD… like way more than most people typically take. It could boost the effects of THC. So, if you’re downing 450 mg of CBD (which is a lot more than your average tincture or gummy), you might feel a bit more stoned than you planned.

But don’t worry! If you’re sticking to your usual, much smaller doses of CBD, this probably doesn’t apply to you. The study also showed that lower doses of CBD (10 mg or 30 mg) didn’t do much at all to change the high. So, if you’ve been adding a little CBD to your THC mix without any crazy effects, no need to panic.

What About Pain Relief?

Now, this is where things get a bit tricky. The researchers were hoping that adding CBD to THC would enhance its pain-relieving effects. But
 it didn’t. At least, not in this study. But here’s the thing—these were healthy volunteers, not people dealing with chronic pain. So, it’s possible that CBD’s pain-relieving magic might still work for folks who are actually experiencing pain. Don’t toss your CBD oil just yet!

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Should You Switch Up Your CBD/THC Routine?

So, what does this all mean for your regular cannabis routine? If you’re someone who swears by CBD to balance out your high, this study probably won’t change much for you, especially if you’re using normal doses. The results only showed a boost in psychoactive effects with super high doses of CBD—way more than most of us are using on a daily basis.

But if you’re curious, this study does open the door to some experimenting. Maybe try tweaking your CBD/THC ratios and see how if it will increase your high. You might find that sweet spot where everything feels just right. As always, go slow and see how your body reacts. No need to go full mad scientist with it!

CBD Will Increase Your High

At Buy Low Green, we love how the cannabis world keeps evolving, and this study just adds a new layer to the ongoing conversation about how CBD and THC interact. While we’re still learning all the ins and outs of how these cannabinoids work together, one thing’s for sure: there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Everyone’s body is different, and the way CBD and THC affect you can depend on a ton of factors.

So, if you’ve got a routine that works for you, keep doing your thing! And if you’re feeling adventurous, don’t be afraid to experiment a little. Just remember to start low and go slow.

Looking for high-quality CBD and THC products to find your perfect balance? Check out our selection at Buy Low Green. Whether you’re after pain relief, relaxation, or just a smooth high, we’ve got you covered with top-notch products delivered right to your door.

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